nabízím lekce kytary, zaklady basskytary, teorie, psaní písniček, nebo nahrávání. Hraju skoro všechny styly. Jazz, metal, rock, funky, blues, fingerstyle, klasika, atd.
Jsem absolventem konzervatoře, mohu vás tedy připravit na přímačky na konzervatoř. Hraju v kapele Grapefruit Astronauts, kde jsem lead kytaristou a skladatelem.
Můžeme dát lekce i online.
700,- 60min
ukázky jak hraju:
instagram: zdenek_kaplan.jr
Facebook: Zdeněk Kaplan jr
Offering lessons of Electric/Acoustic/Classical/ Guitar, Bass Guitar and music theory in English. I play almost every style. Jazz, metal, rock, funky, blues, finger style, classical, etc.
Can help with recording your own music and also composing.
I play lead guitar in band ,,Grapefruit Astronauts” where i also compose the music.
My goal is for you to enjoy the lessons and make you as good as you can be at playing guitar or whatever i can help you with.
We can do also online lessons
videos of my playing on:
Facebook: zdenek kaplan jr
instagram zdenek_kaplan.jr