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Nirvana - Where did you sleep last night akordy

Text písničky Where did you sleep last night od kapely Nirvana včetně akordů na akustickou kytaru. Písnička je v rytmu 6/8.

E5 A G H E5
E5 A G H E5
E5My girl, my girl, don't Alie to Gme
Tell me Hwhere did you sleep last E5night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the Asun don't ever Gshine
I would Hshiver the whole night E5through
E5My girl, my girl, where Awill you Ggo
I'm Hgoing where the cold wind E5blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the Asun don't ever Gshine
I would Hshiver the whole night E5through
E5Her husband, was a hard Aworking Gman
Just aHbout a mile from E5here
His head was found in a Adriving Gwheel
But his Hbody never was E5found
E5My girl, my girl, don't Alie to Gme
Tell me Hwhere did you sleep last E5night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the Asun don't ever Gshine
I would Hshiver the whole night E5through
E5 A G H E5
E5 A G H E5
E5My girl, my girl, where Awill you Ggo
I'm Hgoing where the cold wind E5blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the Asun don't ever Gshine
I would Hshiver the whole night E5through
E5My girl, my girl, don't Alie to Gme
Tell me Hwhere did you sleep last E5night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the Asun don't ever Gshine
I would Hshiver the whole night E5through
E5My girl, my girl, where Awill ya Ggo
I'm Hgoing where the cold wind E5blows
In the pines, the pines
The Asun, the Gshine
I'll Hshiver the whole night Esus4through
E5 A G H E5
E5 A G H E5
  • Akordy: E5, A, G, H, Esus4
  • Žánr: Grunge
  • Takt: 6/8
  • Kategorie: Zahraniční
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