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The Cranberries - Zombie akordy

Rocková písnička Zombie od kapely The Cranberries upravená na hraní na akustickou kytaru. Pomocí transpozice si nastavte tóninu, která vám bude vyhovovat vaším schopnostem a hlasovému rozsahu.

EmiAnother Cmaj7head hangs lowly,
Gchild is slowly taDken.
EmiAnd the violence cauCmaj7sed such silence.
GWho are we misDtaken ?
But you Emisee, it's not me, it's not Cmaj7my family,
in your heGad, in your head they are fightDing.
With their Emitanks, and their bombs,
and their boCmbs, and their guns
in your heGad, in your head they are Dcryin'.
In your Emihead, in your Chead, ZombGie, Zombie, ZombDie - ie - ie.
What's in your Emihead, in your Chead,
ZombGie, Zombie, ZombDie - ie - ie - ie - Emioh.
Emi C G D Emi C G D
tu tududu....
EmiAnother moCmaj7ther's breakin'
heGart is taking oDver.
EmiWhen the violence caCuses silence
Gwe must be misDtaken.
It's the Emisame old theme since Cmaj71916,
in your heGad, in your head they're still fighDtin'.
  • Akordy: Emi, Cmaj7, G, D, C
  • Žánr: Rock
  • Kategorie: Zahraniční
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