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U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For akordy

I have cClimbed highest mountains, I have run through the fields,
only to Fbe with you, only to Cbe with you.
I have Crun, I have crawled, I have scaled these city walls,
Fthese city walls, only to Cbe with you.
But I stGill haven't fFound what I'm looCking for.
I have Ckissed honey lips, felt the healing in her fingertips.
it burned like Ffire, this burning deCsire.
I have Cspoke with the tongue of angels, I have held the hand of the devil,
it was warm in the Fnight, I was cold as a sCtone.
I beClieve in the kingdom come, then all the colours they will
bleed into one, bleed inFto one, but yes, I'm still Crunning.
You broke the Cbonds and you loosed the chains, carried the cross of
of my shame, of my sFhame. You know I beClieve it.
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